Quarters rung in 2011
30 March 2011, 1320 Spliced Plain & Little Bob Royal: 1 Helen Stansfield 2 Jane E Davies 3 Helen Powell 4 David T G Jones 5 Joanne Wood 6 Christopher W Neale 7 Peter W Robson 8 Randle T J Tinkler (C) 9 Christopher J Eden 10 Stephen W Hughes Rung prior to the Service of Induction of the Rev'd Dr Joe Kennedy, as Vicar of this parish of St Saviour, Oxton with St Andrew, Noctorum. William Harrison (Tower Captain) is associated with this Quarter Peal. |
2 October 2011, 1260 Plain Bob Doubles: 1 William Harrison 2 Joanne Wood 3 Helen Stansfield 4 Christopher W Neale 5 Peter W Robson (C) 6 Robert D Cross Rung prior to the evening service on Harvest Sunday and to celebrate the Ministry of the Rev. Diane Watson (Past President of the Branch) who retires today as Associate Vicar of this Church. |
6 October 2011, 1260 Plain Bob Royal: 1 Joanne Wood 2 Helen A Stansfield 3 Margaret K S Allin 4 Lisa Nuttall 5 Samantha C Harrison 6 Cathy Robertson 7 William Harrison 8 Randle T J Tinkler (C) 9 Peter Newton 10 Peter R Robson First on ten - 5, 6 Rung for Wirral Branch Quarter Peal Fortnight |
10 November 2011, 1260 Plain Bob Royal: 1 Gavin Price 2 Valerie Beecroft 3 Helen Stansfield 4 Will Harrison 5 Robert Peers 6 Christopher W Neale 7 Joanne Wood 8 Peter Humphreys 9 Peter Newton 10 Randle Tinkler (C) Rung on the eve of the funeral service of Minnie (Min) Martin (1921 - 2011). Min was a former ringer at this church and a life member of the Chester Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers. Ernie Carvell and Margaret Allin wish to be associated with this quarter peal. |